Solution Partners

We always research new solutions for our customers. If you are interested in becoming a partner and would like us to represent your solutions, please contact us to schedule an appointment for an evaluation.

Aukua provides 3-in-1 Ethernet and Fibre Channel Test and Monitoring Solutions. Aukua's MGA2510 and XGA4250 platforms operate as a powerful Ethernet traffic generator, or connect transparently inline as a protocol analyzer and traffic monitoring system, or as a Ethernet and Fibre Channel network impairment emulator.

FIS Blue specializes in highest quality custom military and broadcast fiber optic assemblies. SummitCSC and RFOptic have partnered with FIS Blue to provide our RFoF customers end-to-end solutions.

FIS Blue provides customized indoor, outdoor, or tactical multi-core fiber cables with specialized connectors to connect RFoF modules to each other. All cables are custom designed to fit the exact application. FIS Blue offers the industry most competitive pricing and shortest lead-times.

M2 Optics specializes in manufacturing customized single and multi-spool optical fiber platforms for network simulation, fiber delay solutions, and other system testing applications.

SummitCSC has partnered with M2 Optics for applications that require cost-effective optical delay solutions and fiber network span simulation.

Cubro provides Network Packet Brokers, Bypass Switches, Optical and Copper TAPS

Business Partners

Cubro provides Network Packet Brokers, Bypass Switches, Optical and Copper TAPS